Another important part of our covenant groups has been fellowship and time with our faith community. We begin in prayer and each take turns sharing "highs" and "lows" of the week. At the end of the Look, Book, Took there is time to share prayer requests as well as share updates relating to prior requests.
What was your high for the week?
Your low?
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church of Kapolei Hawaii has held "Covenant Group" meetings for about 10 years. These groups meet weekly for fellowship, prayer and reflection on the readings and the sermon from the previous week. This blog is an attempt to offer the prayer and reflection as an on-going basis. The challenges of schedules and more prevent many members from participating in our groups, perhaps this will allow for additional participation. I will post readings and questions - please answer the questions and contribute as you're comfortable in the comment sections. Blessings
My low this week was my lack of worshipful-ness on Sunday. It had been a weekend full of meeting and folks at the house with lots of cooking and clean up and wasn't going to end until Sun eve; part of which made me late leaving the house Sun am, which made me late picking up the family that gets driven to church....there was only 1 greeter available on Sun so I was worried about that (but she did a great job of handling all by herself)....Drake and I vol'd in KZ so wasn't sure how that would go (and of course it went fine)...we had to be sure we got home by 1pm so that meant rush rush after church, and on and on. I found myself when I got to church at communion time literally closing my eyes and trying to will myself to BE there and BE in His presence, and just felt I missed the mark completely.
ReplyDeleteMy high was Kel getting home safely from his biz trip to California, right before Flossie started heading up the island chain thankfully.
I do have a prayer request: The Fellowship of Christian Athletes "campus huddle coach" at Drake's school (Coach Dom Ahuna) is heading off to Italy (of all places!) on Aug 4 for a world masters weight lifting championship contest...he won the USA title and is off to Italy to represent the US. Prayers for safe travel, for a good, injury free competition and for God to be with him as he goes (as Coach uses these competitions to help spread the Word to others). Thanks!