
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church of Kapolei Hawaii has held "Covenant Group" meetings for about 10 years. These groups meet weekly for fellowship, prayer and reflection on the readings and the sermon from the previous week. This blog is an attempt to offer the prayer and reflection as an on-going basis. The challenges of schedules and more prevent many members from participating in our groups, perhaps this will allow for additional participation. I will post readings and questions - please answer the questions and contribute as you're comfortable in the comment sections. Blessings

Friday, July 26, 2013

Took - Making time to listen

Being able to choose the better part...why isn’t that easy for us??!
  1. What are the hardest things for you to shut down (ie your devices, tv, voice in your head, spouse, kids....)
  2. How hard would it be for you to shut down for an hour a week to spend in time with God –giving him your burdens, your prayers, and listening/feeling for a response?
  3. Are you willing to try? If you fail, are you willing to try again? And again until you can get that hour each week? If not, why not? Once you have the hour a week, think you could extend it to an hour a day? 


  1. From Kerry:

    1. My mind.
    2. Extremely hard. My mind keeps going. I'll start thinking of what needs to be done.
    3. I will try. Hopefully doing this Blog thing each week will remind me about spending time with God. Thank you for reminding me.

  2. The hardest thing to shut down is my mind...and then if i succeeded, i'd be afraid i'd be asleep! An hour a week - an hour a week - shouldn't be hard, right? What's an hour a week for goodness sake? And yet, I'm not doing that so must either be hard - or not a priority for me (ack!). And absolutely I'm willing to try - my key will be to put it on the google calendar with lots of reminders (ha) - but seriously, literally calendaring it in will be a crucial first step. I wanna push to the hour a day if can - or at least 30 mins a day - esp once school goes back into session, I HAVE the time - it's just MAKING the time (ie goes back to making this a PRIORITY). That's why I love covenant group time - the others can help hold me accountable!
